Membership Benefits at a Glance




Discounted member rates for SID’s courses, events and publications


Access to members-only resources on SID website


Invites to exclusive members-only events and networking sessions


Quarterly SID Directors Bulletin


Board Appointment Opportunities



Access to SID Chapters and Networks to engage, learn and connect


Complimentary Training Courses - Current Topics (held online)


Usage of post nominals – MSID for Ordinary Members or FSID for Fellows


Access to SID accreditation upon fulfilment of requirements




Up to 12 complimentary nominees


Complimentary annual training vouchers*

Special subscription rate for additional nominees, including waiver of Individual Entrance Fees


Complimentary voucher to annual SID Directors Conference*

Complimentary Board Listings  
Preferential rates for SID Board Appointment Services
Preferential rates for advertising in SID Directors Bulletin


$1,000 off customised course offerings, valid for each customised course


* Dependent on Corporate Plans


Special subscription rate for additional nominees, including waiver of Individual Entrance Fees
Complimentary – ‘So, You want to be a NonProfit Director’ training vouchers

Preferential rates for SID Board Appointment Services
Up to 5 complimentary nominees


Complimentary Board Listings  
$1,000 off customised course offerings, valid for each customised course





Individual Membership


Corporate Membership


NonProfit Membership




Usage of post nominals




These benefits apply to nominees of Corporate Members


These benefits apply to nominees of NonProfit Members

Discounted member rates for SID’s courses, events and publications

SID Accreditation upon fulfilment of requirements

Invites to exclusive members-only events and networking sessions

Board Appointment Opportunities

Access to members-only resources on SID website

Quarterly SID Directors Bulletin

Access to SID Chapters and Networks to engage, learn and connect

Complimentary Training Courses - Current Topics (held online)

Benefits from external partners (when applicable)

Complimentary Nominees*
(Directors and Employees)


Up to 12

Up to 5

Special subscription rate for additional nominees, including waiver of Individual Entrance Fees

$150 (excl. GST) per member, per calendar year, or part thereof

$100 (excl. GST) per member, per calendar year, or part thereof

Complimentary annual training vouchers



Complimentary voucher to annual SID Directors Conference



Complimentary Board Listings

Preferential rates for SID Board Appointment Services

*Dependent on Corporate Plan